JAY's PACK Certified Training services

Adult/Puppy Canine Obedience: Private - Jay's training methods are completely modern; based off of positive reinforcement. When a dog learns through reward and praise rather than fear you get a much more complete companion.

  • 1 Hour Session: $60

  • 5 Session Package: $280

  • +HST


Behaviour Modification  - This can cover a wide range of issues: from unwanted urination in the house, to more extreme issues such as aggression towards people/other animals. Jay will develop a profile of your dog to find the exact trigger that sets him/her off then develop new behaviours around that trigger using positive reinforcement.

  • 1 Hour Session: $70

  • 5 Session Package: $335

  • +HST


Obstacle/Agility Course Training - Want to get your dog ready for competition? Jay can help you out using strictly positive reinforcement methods. 

  • 1 Hour Session: $75

  • 5 Session Package: $355

  • +HST


 Walking & visit services


 We offer both daytime and evening group walks.


Dog Walking: Group - Your dog is walked at one of Toronto's many gorgeous parks with up to 5 other friendly dogs to exercise and socialize for 45 minutes. 

  • 1 Walk: $23.50

  • 5 Walk Package: $115

  • +HST


Dog Walking: Private - If your dog is not much into socializing with other dogs we got you covered with our more personal private one on one 45 minute walk.

  • 1 Walk: $35

  • 5 Walk Package: $165

  • +HST

Note: All dogs that go on the group services must not be aggressive and must have all up to date vaccinations. 


Focused Socialization Walks - If your dog is fearful or aggressive with other dogs and you wish to help them overcome these issues then this is the option for you.

  • 1 Walk: $45

  • 5 Walk Package: $205

  • +HST

Cat Visits: Going out of town? We can come by and make sure they're taken care of while you're gone.

  • 1 Hour Visit: $28

  • 5 Visit Package: $130

  • +HST